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Associated Bag Company.

Customer satisfaction begins with strict quality control.

Quality products at the lowest prices every day…this is our promise to you. And to keep this promise, Associated Bag Company makes sure that every item we carry meets our high standards of quality and value.

Some packaging distributors choose to reduce costs and increase profits by selling you poly products that are downgauged up to 20%. Not us…Associated Bag is your True Mil® supplier. You'll always get what you pay for because our products are tested to ensure they meet industry-specified thickness tolerances and performance standards. We won't settle for less, and we know you won't either.

You can count on consistent high quality products, order after order. Every time we receive new product shipments, they go through rigorous quality control inspections to ensure that they meet our strict specifications and standards.

In addition, we offer quality brands that you know and trust. Minigrip/ZIP-PAK® zipper bags and Palletech handwrap to a huge selection of bubble and cushioning products from Sealed Air®. These brands define quality and performance.

Everything we sell is backed by our 100% satisfaction guarantee. If your order isn't perfect, we'll take it back and give you a full refund, credit, or an even exchange. We know that you require products that perform for your application – and we deliver them.
Herb Rubenstein,